tisdag 13 december 2016

Work on your own and find out with what (y/r 6)

This week you will try something new. You will, together with the one you worked with last week, go to this site: http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=337907.

On that site you will find this weeks assignment. 

You are supposed to listen to some youtube clips, read some information and then you will answer some questions. After that you and your friend will decide how you will present your facts and conclusions.
But seriously, you have ALL info at the site. Go check it out, NOW!

Best regards,

tisdag 6 december 2016

Y/r 4: Make your own Wizard!

Y/r 4 works with Wizards this week. First we watch this short movie and then we listen to the Wizard poem in Happy (p 30). After that we are making our own wizards in pairs.

We will also make some poems in the end of week.