onsdag 14 november 2018

Past tense story y/r 6

These are your questions for Thursday's text writing:

  1. Who just snuck out the back window?
  2. What were they carrying?
  3. Where were they going?

torsdag 18 oktober 2018

Test y/r 6: Information

Page 4-24 in Workbook.

Du ska vet hur man:
... använder did/didn´t
... kunna översätta meningar i dåtid (past tense)
... irregular verbs på s. 18-19 i WB
... regular verbs s. 6 i WB
... kunna skriva en text om vad du gjorde igår/i helgen (past tense)

torsdag 4 oktober 2018

söndag 9 september 2018

måndag 3 september 2018

Homework w 37

Happy y/r 5: Match the kitchen! 
(homework for next Tuseday!)
(homework for Thursday!)

Small steps: Verbs!

måndag 27 augusti 2018

måndag 20 augusti 2018

Just can´t wait to learn new stuff, right?!

Welcome back to school! 

This year will be awesome together with you guys!

Let´s learn together and be each other´s workbuddys.

I´v got high expectations (höga förväntningar) on you!

söndag 13 maj 2018

Hidden Figures y/r 5

1. Get new glossary homework: Hidden Figures part 1
2. Know the background in working group
3. Write down facts on Popplet with your homegroup
4. See the movie "Hidden Figures"
5. Answer questions in homegroup on Drive
6. Ending discussion in working groups

måndag 7 maj 2018

Analyze a song

Analyze a song

You will be divided into groups of 2-3 students. I have assigned a song to each group. 

Listen to the song and read the lyrics.

When you have listened to your song, answer these 

Write the answers on Google Drive. The document  
has your names on it. The name of the song and the artist is in your document on drive.

1. Summarize the song

2. What is the theme of the song?

3. What message is the artist trying to send?

4. Why do you think the artist sang the song?

5. What did you feel when you listened to the song?

6.  Did you think about a specific situation or person when you listened to the song? Which situation

or person did you think about?

7. Talk with another group about your song and the questions above

tisdag 16 januari 2018

Movie review - homework y/r 5

För att få godkänt på din filmrecension ska du:

Skriva vilken typ av film det är och varför det är det.

Använd flera adjektiv för att beskriva filmen.

Använd de ord som finns i youtube-klippet och förklara hur de kopplas till ditt filmval.

Använda oregelbundna/regelbundna verb på korrekt sätt.

Lämna in senast:1/2

Homework w. 4

Happy y/r 5: Making movies