söndag 13 maj 2018

Hidden Figures y/r 5

1. Get new glossary homework: Hidden Figures part 1
2. Know the background in working group
3. Write down facts on Popplet with your homegroup
4. See the movie "Hidden Figures"
5. Answer questions in homegroup on Drive
6. Ending discussion in working groups

måndag 7 maj 2018

Analyze a song

Analyze a song

You will be divided into groups of 2-3 students. I have assigned a song to each group. 

Listen to the song and read the lyrics.

When you have listened to your song, answer these 

Write the answers on Google Drive. The document  
has your names on it. The name of the song and the artist is in your document on drive.

1. Summarize the song

2. What is the theme of the song?

3. What message is the artist trying to send?

4. Why do you think the artist sang the song?

5. What did you feel when you listened to the song?

6.  Did you think about a specific situation or person when you listened to the song? Which situation

or person did you think about?

7. Talk with another group about your song and the questions above