tisdag 29 januari 2019

Writing task y/r 6

You have three lessons to do this.

What do you do?

  1. Translate the text with your own words. Use tyda.se or bab.la for help. NOT google translate.
  2. Write everything in your writing book.
  3. Make a nice presentation in Keynote.
  4. Give a short presentation.

Next Wednesday is presentation day.

måndag 21 januari 2019

Homework w 5

Happy y/5: What a wonderful world

Happy y/r 6: Computer starts here

For the 6th graders;

Two and two: Learn about Hedy Lamar

  1. Underline the words you understand
  2. Pick out five expert words, translate them

  3. Answer these questions on Padlet:
    1. Where was she from?
    2. What was her two professions?
    3. Where did she live and where did she move?
    4. What did she invent?
    5. What did her inventions helped us today to invent?
  4. Write three questions on your own on the text.