måndag 28 november 2016

Y/r 6! Harry Potter!

You are going to work with the first movie of Harry Potter. 

To your work you will have this site for help:

Information about the Hogwarts houses:

The questions you are going to work with:

  1. Which magical subject would you be most excited to study at Hogwarts, and why?
  2. Which of the Hogwarts houses do you think the sorting hat would place you in? Why?
  3. If you could pick one of the many animals described in this text to be your pet (including Mrs. Norris, Scabbers, Hedwig, Norbert, Fang, or Fluffy) which would you choose and why? What do people's choices in pets reveal about them?
  4. Do you agree with Hermione that "friendship and bravery" are "more important things" than "books" or "cleverness" (16.288-89)? Why or why not?
  5. Who is the most evil person in this film?
  6. Who do you think the most courageous character is? How is courage defined in this text?
  7. If you looked into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see? What do you think Dumbledore actually saw when he looked into the Mirror?
  8. How would Harry be different if Dumbledore decided that he should be raised in the magical world, instead of with the Dursleys? Did Dumbledore make the right decision?

The task!

  2. You are working in pairs. Together are you going to discuss the questions and then write it down.
  3. Show the teacher for correction.
  4. Present it to the rest of the class.

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