tisdag 21 november 2017

Homework w. 48

Y/r 4: Flags around the world

Y/r 5: Irregular verb paper
Also practice on links here and here and here
5B: Thursday
5A: Wednesday

A little help:

Y/r 6: 

onsdag 18 oktober 2017

Y/r 4: Test on Thursday 26th of October

Here is all the information you need for the test. Här är all information du behöver om testet.

- Träna hemma varje dag på s. 6-20 i Textbook. Speciellt de sidor ni haft i läxa. Läs texterna och träna på orden. Lär dig även djuren på s. 14-15.
- Träna på grammatiken som du hittar i Workbook på s. 7, 8, 17, 23.
- Träna med hjälp av Workbook på de andra övningarna från s. 5-27

Tänk på att träna extra på siffror, färger, familjmedlemmar och personliga pronomen (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they).

Lycka till med pluggandet!

måndag 9 oktober 2017

måndag 25 september 2017

torsdag 14 september 2017

Are you finished? Try this!

If you are finished with your tasks, go to this link:

Don´t put your trousers on your head!

1. Do the "Preparation"
2. Listen to the song two times
3. Do the "Game"
4. Ask the teacher for a worksheet, then do that
5. Look in the text, try to find all the nouns (substantiv)

måndag 17 april 2017

American Teens Talk!

For a few weeks, we will work with this assignment on Tuesdays:

1. You will be divided into groups of two or three people.
2. You will be assigned a person from the book "American Teens Talk", you can find the book here. Download it as a PDF.
3. Answer these questions about your person:

a) What topics are discussed in the interview?
b) What do you learn about the interests and personality of this young person?
c) After reading to this interview, what is something that you would like to ask this young person?
d) The first and last questions are the same in each interview, but what other questions are asked?

Also answer the discussion questions below each interview.

You will report to the class in spoken words but be sure to take notes together.

tisdag 14 mars 2017

Write about a historical person

Welcome to our writing project!

  1. You will, on your own, write about a historical person. The person will be given to you by your teacher.
  2. You will have three lessons to search for information and start writing. You will do all the writing in the Drive.
  3. After three lessons you will get feedback from me (teacher) and you will really have to consider that feedback and continue you the writing process.
  4. On Friday the 31st of March at 17.00 you will submit your text and consider yourselves finished with it.
  5. Make a poster or something like that to tell us all about your person. With pictures and some writing.
  6. The last week before Easter break you will work again with your text and improve it from the notes I´ve given you. If you are all finished that week you will work with small writing assignments on British Council Teens website.
  7. The last week we will also take one lesson for some co-operative learning

Who is it? Write everything you think is important about the person.
Why is the person famous?
Did the person do something special to become famous?

You have to write at least one A4 page.

6B and 6A:

  1. Marie Curie - Sendos, Aljus, Yassin, Ajna

  2. Aung Sang Suu Kyi - Bland, Rand, Anes, Arnisa, Qendrim

  3. Harriet Beecher Stowe - Mohamad Ali, Blerta, Rahman, Aya

  4. Anne Frank - Valerina, Rrezon, Eiwan, Aboudy

  5. Rosa Parks - Leard, Mia, Liana
  6. Beatrice Potter Webb - Muharrem, Nishtiman, Saman

  7. Wangari Maathai - Dalmar, Mahmoud, Vijona

  8. Corazon Aquino - Ali, Mena, Gloria,

  9. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir - Fatlinda, Mouhamad, Batol

  10. Elizabeth "Bessie" Coleman - Andi, Nawal, Maida, Anthony

onsdag 8 mars 2017

Like + ing

Let´s learn more about like and what happens to the other words around it! Got to this website to learn more about it:

tisdag 28 februari 2017

Developing our reading skills

For a few weeks now we will work with reading texts and developing our reading skills. You will be divided into smaller groups where you read and answer questions together.

1. Read the text you get together (out loud). Take turns so that everybody reads.
2. Look at the questions together.
3. Start answer the questions.If you have a question where there is just one question, I want you to really think and develop carefully! Always think about your grades.
4. Report it to the class (spoken)
5. Hand it in to me, Filippa, and start a new text..

You can find the texts online and work at home here:


onsdag 1 februari 2017

A very small story project

If you are finished with you persuasive speech, you are now going to make a story. Click to link below and follow the instructions:


Or you can try some other excercies here:


onsdag 11 januari 2017

Make a persuasive speech

Write a persuasive text!

Watch this together:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us0lFtzh9iU - this is a persuasive speech

  1. Check the wordlist "Persuasive text vocabulary" on glosor.eu --> filippani
  2. Watch all the Youtube clips, but wait! When you have watched the first one you will write a short text and tell what it is about. And then continue writing a short text about every episode. You need to know what every episode is about! (in pairs)

What is persuasive writing?

3. So, now you will make a mind-map with all the good facts you have from the youtube clips. Answer these questions in your mind-map, in pairs:
  1. What is a persuasive text?
  2. How do I start when I want to write one?
  3. Name three important things to know about when you write a persuasive text.

And now, answer these questions alone:
1) What do I want to write about?
2) How will I start?
3) What are my arguments?
4) What could be someones counter arguments?
5) How will it end?
Get help from the poster on the wall or here on the blog.

4. And now, please start writing your text!

5. You will perform your text in front of the class.