onsdag 11 januari 2017

Make a persuasive speech

Write a persuasive text!

Watch this together:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us0lFtzh9iU - this is a persuasive speech

  1. Check the wordlist "Persuasive text vocabulary" on glosor.eu --> filippani
  2. Watch all the Youtube clips, but wait! When you have watched the first one you will write a short text and tell what it is about. And then continue writing a short text about every episode. You need to know what every episode is about! (in pairs)

What is persuasive writing?

3. So, now you will make a mind-map with all the good facts you have from the youtube clips. Answer these questions in your mind-map, in pairs:
  1. What is a persuasive text?
  2. How do I start when I want to write one?
  3. Name three important things to know about when you write a persuasive text.

And now, answer these questions alone:
1) What do I want to write about?
2) How will I start?
3) What are my arguments?
4) What could be someones counter arguments?
5) How will it end?
Get help from the poster on the wall or here on the blog.

4. And now, please start writing your text!

5. You will perform your text in front of the class.

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