måndag 29 april 2019

Questions on Glee: Episode 1

  1. Something special is happening to Kurt all the time. What is that? And why do you think this is happening to him?
  2. What is Emma doing when she is about to eat? Why do you think she is doing that?
  3. What does Mr Schuester have to do to start the Glee club? Why do you think he wants to do it so bad?
  4. What does Rachel do everyday to keep up her talent? Why do you think all those bad things happens to her even though she is a nice girl?
  5. What does Mr Schuester’s wife Terri work with? What is your first impression of her?
  6. What happens to Artie in the end of the episode? What do you think about this action?
  7. Why do you think Mr Schuester wants Finn on the team?  And what does he do to get him to start?

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