söndag 19 maj 2019

Questions on Glee Episode 3

1. Why does Rachel tell mr Schue they need a new choreographer? Tell us about the scenario.
2. What made mr Schue feel more confident? How does Terri interrupt the rehearsal?
3. What was the name of the manly acappella group?
4. Why doesn’t mr Schue want to participate in the rehearsals anymore? What do you think he feels about it?
5. Why does Rachel want to win so badly?
6. What is Sue’s plan about the glee club? How is Quinn and her friends helping? And what do you think about that?
7. What does glee club do to make the 8000 dollars to pay for Dakota? What do you think about that idea? Would you do it differently?
8. Why does Puck want to join Acafellas?
9. What does Mercedes do when she finds out that Kurt is in love with someone else? Who does he say he loves? Who do you think he means?

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