tisdag 28 maj 2019

Discuss the questions Ep 4 and Ep 5

Discuss the questions two and two.

Ep 4.

Kurt tries out for the football team in order to impress his dad.
Sandy and Sue join forces to carry out their plans for destroying Glee Club.

Discuss the scene where Terri tells her sister the truth about the baby.
What do you think about the sister’s advice?

Discuss the favour Kurt asks of Finn. How did it turn out?

What is the secret Quinn tells Finn? What does she say?
And what is really the truth about it? What are your thoughts about this?

Ep 5.

Will thinks the glee club desperately needs more of an edge,
so he brings in his former classmate, April Rhodes, to spice things up.
Will's plan seems to be going smoothly until he realizes he may be losing a
key member of the club.

Discuss why Mr Schue really wants April on Glee. Who is she? Elaborate.

Mr Schue tells April she needs to make sure that the Glee club wants her there.
What does she do then?

Why isn’t Rachel in the Glee club anymore? Why do you think she choose this?
What is that she founds out in the end and how does she react to this?
Why do you think she reacts like she does?

söndag 19 maj 2019

Questions on Glee Episode 3

1. Why does Rachel tell mr Schue they need a new choreographer? Tell us about the scenario.
2. What made mr Schue feel more confident? How does Terri interrupt the rehearsal?
3. What was the name of the manly acappella group?
4. Why doesn’t mr Schue want to participate in the rehearsals anymore? What do you think he feels about it?
5. Why does Rachel want to win so badly?
6. What is Sue’s plan about the glee club? How is Quinn and her friends helping? And what do you think about that?
7. What does glee club do to make the 8000 dollars to pay for Dakota? What do you think about that idea? Would you do it differently?
8. Why does Puck want to join Acafellas?
9. What does Mercedes do when she finds out that Kurt is in love with someone else? Who does he say he loves? Who do you think he means?

torsdag 9 maj 2019

Questions for Glee episode 2

  1. What does Mr Schue think Sue is doing to him? What do you think she is doing to him?
  2. Why did Mr Schue and his wife Terri need to buy new house?
  3. Emma thinks that Rachel has bulimia. What is bulimia (google it)? And why does Rachel want bulimia?
  4. What did Rachel and Finn do?
  5. What is Emma’s problem? How does she handle her problem?
  6. What did the Glee club do in secret? How did it go?
  7. What does Terri say to Mr Schue about the baby, in the end? And what is the compromise she is willing to do?
  8. Who gets the solo in the last song? Why do you think that she got it?
  9. What dream do you think Mr Schue is really trying to fulfill?

måndag 29 april 2019

Questions on Glee: Episode 1

  1. Something special is happening to Kurt all the time. What is that? And why do you think this is happening to him?
  2. What is Emma doing when she is about to eat? Why do you think she is doing that?
  3. What does Mr Schuester have to do to start the Glee club? Why do you think he wants to do it so bad?
  4. What does Rachel do everyday to keep up her talent? Why do you think all those bad things happens to her even though she is a nice girl?
  5. What does Mr Schuester’s wife Terri work with? What is your first impression of her?
  6. What happens to Artie in the end of the episode? What do you think about this action?
  7. Why do you think Mr Schuester wants Finn on the team?  And what does he do to get him to start?

tisdag 29 januari 2019

Writing task y/r 6

You have three lessons to do this.

What do you do?

  1. Translate the text with your own words. Use tyda.se or bab.la for help. NOT google translate.
  2. Write everything in your writing book.
  3. Make a nice presentation in Keynote.
  4. Give a short presentation.

Next Wednesday is presentation day.

måndag 21 januari 2019

Homework w 5

Happy y/5: What a wonderful world

Happy y/r 6: Computer starts here

For the 6th graders;

Two and two: Learn about Hedy Lamar

  1. Underline the words you understand
  2. Pick out five expert words, translate them

  3. Answer these questions on Padlet:
    1. Where was she from?
    2. What was her two professions?
    3. Where did she live and where did she move?
    4. What did she invent?
    5. What did her inventions helped us today to invent?
  4. Write three questions on your own on the text.